Counter-Insider Threat Research and Practice (CITRAP) is an online, unclassified, open-access, peer-reviewed journal aimed at professionals across both research and operational communities who seek to address the insider threat risk—the risk that a person who is trusted by an organization will intentionally or unintentionally act in a way that harms others, the organization, or its assets. As an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary resource for scholarly works, CITRAP reports on findings and lessons learned across a broad spectrum of the research and operational communities, including the computational sciences, behavioral sciences, public policy, law enforcement, and industry. Championing multi-disciplinary social-behavioral science (SBS) research, CITRAP communicates practical and theoretical advances in all aspects of insider threat research and practice and facilitates the translation of SBS insider threat research into evidence-based practice, with an emphasis on comprehensive approaches that seek to prevent and counter insider threats through individual and organizational wellness, protection, and health. CITRAP is published by The Threat Lab in partnership with the Department of Defense (DoD) Counter-Insider Threat Program and the National Insider Threat Task Force (NITTF). Opinions expressed in this journal are solely those of the authors and do not reflect the positions or policies of the DoD, NITTF, or The Threat Lab.